Les étudiants de l'ISSEA

List of students school year 2012 - 2013.

Find the list of 77 students of the stream # Ingenieur Statisticien Economiste # and class # :class_name #.

Portrait Matricule Full Name Country of origin Actions
11ISE19 M. EBOUELE Joseph Armel Cameroun To know more
11ISE21 Mlle. EMEL POKAM KAKE Cameroun To know more
11ISE22 Mlle. FEZEU KEMBOU Christelle Cameroun To know more
11ISE23 Mlle. FIKEU Linda Yolène Mimose Cameroun To know more
11ISE24 Mlle. GUEUMALEU Christelle Audrey Cameroun To know more
11ISE25 M. IGNALEAMOKO Jerry Fulgence RCA To know more
11ISE26 M. LEUNGA NOUKWE Isambert Cameroun To know more
11ISE27 M. LONDO KEMBENG Rahmate Arnaud Cameroun To know more
11ISE28 M. MAHAMAT Akhouna Macky Tchad To know more
11ISE29 M. PAMI FEUMBA Silvain Cameroun To know more
11ISE30 M. RAKOTOASIMBOLA Jean José Madagascar To know more
11ISE33 M. TANDJONG KAKEU Firmin Girèce Cameroun To know more
11ISE34 Mlle. THYONG A NWAGA Olivia Eugène Cameroun To know more
11ISE35 M. YOMBA DJEUMEN Beaudelaire Cameroun To know more
07IAS23 Mlle. MAKOUDJOU TCHENDJOU Adeline Carine Cameroun To know more
07IAS31 M. SIDIBE Abdoul Karim Mali To know more
04IAS15 M. MINE OKON André Bertrand Cameroun To know more
10ISE12 M. NTEDE Ernest Cameroun To know more
10ISE07 Mlle. FOUKEUNG KOUETE Darline Diane Cameroun To know more
11ISE02 M. AMBAGNA Jean Joël Cameroun To know more

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