Les étudiants de l'ISSEA

List of students school year 2018 - 2019.

Find the list of 104 students of the stream # Technicien Supérieur de la Statistique # and class # :class_name #.

Portrait matricule Full Name Country of origin Actions
16001 M. ASIE NSUGA Miguel Angel Ndong Guinée Equatoriale To know more
16056 M. DIEUDONNE AUBERT Djaoussiyala Tchad To know more
17031 M. NDISSESMADJE Cyril Tchad To know more
17036 Mlle. SHUTEDJEM GUEMDJO Eléonore Cameroun To know more
16033 M. MPIOUANG NGOULY Ivan Freddy Cameroun To know more
17001 M. ADJI-ANG Dieudonné Théodore Tchad To know more
17002 M. AL-MUBARAK Cameroun To know more
17003 M. BANIEK Eudes Exaucé Congo To know more
17005 M. BATCHAGNO MEKOUMOU Poplineau Cameroun To know more
17006 M. BELINGA TSANGA Pierre Fabrice Cameroun To know more
16015 M. DAPOU-NDJINGRADET Prince-Jefferson RCA To know more
17007 M. DAYANG Denis Cameroun To know more
16017 Mlle. DOPAMAS ANOUCHKA Schelmine RCA To know more
17008 Mlle. ELOMO MBARGA Ingrid Cameroun To know more
17009 M. ETHILBO Christian Tchad To know more
17010 Mlle. EYENGA ATANGANA Alice Ornela Cameroun To know more
16064 M. FAYETTE Celestin Aimé Grace Etonante Congo To know more
17011 M. FON-WANKAH Amslem Chi Cameroun To know more
14044 M. GANONGO IBARA Caleb Godefroy Congo To know more
17012 M. GUIBOLO Théophile Cameroun To know more

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