Les étudiants de l'ISSEA

List of students school year 2020 - 2021.

Find the list of 47 students of the stream # Technicien Supérieur de la Statistique # and class # :class_name #.

Class :: :class

Portrait matricule Full Name Country of origin Actions
19012 M. ABDOUL KADIRI IBRAHIM GONI Cameroun To know more
19129 M. ADJEBA MBA Christian Cameroun To know more
19013 M. AMANl PAUL Cameroun To know more
18098 M. NDONG NENGONO Amos Santiago Manana République de Guinée Equatoriale To know more
19014 M. AMOUGOU AMOUGOU Alain Patrick Cameroun To know more
19015 M. ANEGUE JEAN DE DIEU Cameroun To know more
18093 M. ANGO MEYIE Paterno Mozogo Australia To know more
18094 M. ANGONO ANDEME Manuel Ndong Guinée Equatoriale To know more
19016 M. ASSOE Arnold Ulrich Cameroun To know more
19017 M. ATOKARI Séraphin Cameroun To know more
18076 M. BAKALA KINKIELELE Godiswith Datervelle Congo To know more
19019 M. BALEP BIBOUM Jean Alphege Cameroun To know more
19021 M. BISSA BOUKESSE Bernos Prosper Tony Westone RCA To know more
18105 M. BITOTO MPOAMB Vanick Junior Cameroun To know more
19022 M. BOUBA OUSMANOU DJAKAO Cameroun To know more
19024 M. CHINTOUO KPOUMIE NESTOR Cameroun To know more
18095 M. ASU AYINGONO David Abeso République de Guinée Equatoriale To know more
19025 M. DINAMOU CHRISTIAN BAGAO Cameroun To know more
18109 M. DONGUE Emile Joël Cameroun To know more
19027 M. ETOMBI MITENDE CORINNE FABIOLA Cameroun To know more

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